At 60 moves Ppus/hour Cat Lai Port set Best Handling record ever


Recently as MSC’s M/V the Jessica with voyage number B703R had arrived at Cat Lai Port at 5:30 p.m. on January 19, 2007, 1,358 containers (524 inbound & 834 outbound) were handled at 60 moves plus/hr – a record-breaking Productivity Per Port Stay (PPS) before it departed at 3:30 a.m. on January 20, 2007. Representatives of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) were emailing Saigon Newport Company (SNP) to express their esteem and appreciation for the efficient and high-quality handling service currently rendered at Cat Lai Port.

Recently as MSC’s M/V the Jessica with voyage number B703R had arrived at Cat Lai Port at 5:30 p.m. on January 19, 2007, 1,358 containers (524 inbound & 834 outbound) were handled at 60 moves plus/hr – a record-breaking Productivity Per Port Stay (PPS) before it departed at 3:30 a.m. on January 20, 2007. Representatives of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) were emailing Saigon Newport Company (SNP) to express their esteem and appreciation for the efficient and high-quality handling service currently rendered at Cat Lai Port.
Since 2005, PPS at the port has constantly been boosted. In the beginning of the year, PPS only approximates 22 moves plus/hr on average whereas there has been a sharp increase by 32 moves/hr lately. According to a recent statistic, the recorded PPS for over 70% of vessels regularly calling at Cat Lai Port was 30 moves plus/hr and at times 40 moves plus/hr. The improvement of PPS has resulted in many benefits for SNP, shipping lines and customers. A reduction in port stay (5 to 8 hours for each vessel) has facilitated scheduled voyages, gained shipping lines great prestige from customers, allowed faster shipping and at the same time enabled SNP to handle more vessels. As for 2007 and 2008, the targeted average PPS at Cat Lai Port will be 35 moves/hr and 40 moves/hr respectively.
In order to obtain such achievements and foster throughput growth for 2007, SNP has utilized the advanced Management Information System (MIS) in terminal operations and stepped up investment of modern Container Handling Equipment (CHE) and IT infrastructure.
In the present context of SNP, the well-known ‘terminal’ management scheme has been put into operation. At the moment Cat Lai Port is divided into 03 terminals namely Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, each of which takes control of a designated berth and CHE. In the second quarter of 2007, each terminal will be equipped with 03 modern brand new German ship-to-shore gantry cranes, which raises the total number of these cranes at Cat Lai Port to 15. At present the 17-ha area of Terminal 1 has undergone extensive renovations for spare storage. Following the efficient use of 6 RMGs 1 over 6 high will be the investment of 10 RTGs 1 over 5 high, 6 plus 1 wide, which are in completion in the third quarter of 2007.
In another developmental project, SNP has invested a great deal of capital for the utilization of IT advancement in port operations. Top port-oriented IT solution providers such as Navis (USA), Total Soft Bank (Korea), KL Net (Korea) and RBS (Australia) were invited for the supply of MIS (Management Information System) software package and equipment.
Thanks to many feasible, comprehensive and strategic measures, Cat Lai Port is deemed to be at hand for throughput objective of 1.7mil and 1.8mil teus in 2007 and 2008 respectively