Tan Cang - Hon Chong ground breaking ceremony


In the morning 23/5/2018, at Bai Gieng Hamlet, Binh An Commune, Kien Luong District, Tan Cang – Kien Giang Joint Stock Company, a member of Saigon Newport Corporation, solemnly held the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the construction of Tan Cang Hon Chong – the 27th port carried the brand SNP in the port and warehouse system throughout the country..

Attending the Ceremony were His Excellency Dang Tuyet Em, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Assembly of Kien Giang; His Excellency Pham Vu Hong, Deputy Province Committee secretary, Chairman of the People's Committee of Kien Giang; His Excellency Rear Admiral, Hero Labour Nguyen Dang Nghiem, Party’s Committee’s member of Vietnamese Navy, Chief Executive Officers of Saigon New Port Corporation and comrade leaders, head of departmental agencies of Kien Giang province, Kien Luong district, Phu Quoc district; comrades in the Party, Saigon New Port Corporation board of directors, leaders, commanders of the agencies, units, member companies, Tan Cang Kien Giang Joint Stock Company that are directly under Saigon Newport Corporation; the esteemed guests represent for Saigon New Port’s clients and partners.


His Excellency Le Dang Phuc, Chairman of Tan Cang Kien Giang Joint Stock Company informed: “Tan Cang Hon Chong port’s total area is 175.370 m2, in which: berth construction area is 12.000m2, item construction area is 146.000 m2, such as: general cargo yard, petro depot with capacity of 15,000 m3, synchronized technology system. Warehouse system includes 06 warehouses with total area of 20.000 m2, 02 in which are general cargo warehouses, and 04 material and equipment warehouses. In addition, there are mechanical workshop, internal traffic routes, offices, greenery system and other supporting structures such as: water supply system for ships, water supply system for production and living activities, electric power supply system, lighting, fire protection system, waste water treatment system… Connection road from the port to provincial road 11: width 21m, total area 17,300 m2. The berth system in port is divided into 3 areas. The channel from Buoy No: "0" is 14 km in length, width of 68 m. Channel-bottom altitude: -8.9m (Chart system). The channel is set to flow one-way. When the project is completed, Hon Chong port will be able to meet the  capacity of 800,000 tons to 1,500,000 tons per year; transporting 200,000 - 250,000 visitors per year, and is the perfect place to provide diversified services. 

Overview of Ground Breaking Ceremony of Tan Cang Hon Chong port.

Mr. Le Dang Phuc, Chairman of  Tan Kien Giang Joint Stock Company reporting about Tan Cang Hon Chong port project.

His Excellency Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem, CEO of Saigon Newport Corporation stated while at the Ground Breaking Ceremony: “Tan Cang Hon Chong port is the first unit of SNP in Kien Giang province and the 8th port in the Mekong Delta, an important step contributing in the completion of SNP’s service chain connects from North to South on the journey to “bring the port to customers”. Once in operation, Tan Cang Hon Chong will not only be an important connecting point for Kien Giang's products as well as the Delta’s to other regions of the country, but also an important link for SNP’s island tourism chain and aim to participate in oil and gas services in Kien Giang. Furthermore, the investment of Tan Cang Hon Chong port is also a part of the national marine economic development strategy in combination with enhancing national defense and security in strategic locations, carrying a dual purpose in national defense and economic development, ready to switch to carry out defense tasks upon request. This is a very important task that the Party, Government and Army have entrusted to Saigon New Port.

His Excellency Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem, CEO of Saigon Newport Corporation delivered a speech.

On the side of Kien Giang province, Mr. Pham Vu Hong, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Kien Giang People's Committee also stressed: "The Tan Chong Port project will bring a lot of contribution to the operation. There is changing the appearance of Kien Giang province in general and Kien Luong district in particular, attracting export and import goods through ports, promoting the efficient operation of industrial zones in the area, thereby creating job for thousands of local workers, contributing positively to the stability and socio-economic development in the province "

Mr. Pham Vu Hong, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Kien Giang People's Committee delivered a speech

Moreover, on the occasion of Ground Breaking Ceremony of Tan Cang Hon Chong Port, officials and employees of Tan Cang Kien Giang Joint Stock Company donated 200 million VND to Kien Luong Fund for the poor.

Tan Cien Kien Giang Joint Stock Company supports 200 million VND  to the "Fund for the Poor" in Kien Luong.

The leaders visiting the area of Tan Cang Hon Chong port project.