The summary of activities at Tan Cang - Cat Lai terminal in april 2010
In April, Tan Cang- Cat Lai accommodated 241vessels (including 195 container vessels and 46 transshipment vessels) - an increase of 39 vessels to those of March. Terminal A received 116 tàu and Terminal B received 125 tàu.
In April, Tan Cang- Cat Lai accommodated 241vessels (including 195 container vessels and 46 transshipment vessels) - an increase of 39 vessels to those of March. Terminal A received 116 tàu and Terminal B received 125 tàu. The throughput of container of April was 217,681 teus. Net productivity reached 54.2 cont/vh and Portstay one was 46,7 cont/vh. The Maximum net and portstay productivity was 82.9 cont/vh and 77.8 cont/vh respectively (with Vessel MSC Alpana V.81013R. The arrangement and allocation of the CY, vessel calling and handling, equipment has been made scientifically and in the corresponding to the actual operational situation aiming at the high efficiencies of the operation of the berths, CY and equipment capacities. SNP has continued the deployment of the co-operation regulations between the company and the Customs of Saigon Zone 1 as per the minutes signed by both sides with the purpose for simplifying the formalities and ctreating the conveniences for the customers.The EDI with the shipping lines has been improved. The plan of “Enhancement of Service Quality” of 2010 has been approved, implemented and brought the positive results innitially. Tan Cang- Cat Lai terminal has paid high attention to enhance the quality of the reefer service through the meetings to discuss on the solutions as well as the targets to aim. The latest version of TOPX has been updated and the trial of DGPS (Digital Global Positioning Sattelite) application to the management of the container location has been done. SNP has been making the prearations for the deployment of TOPOVN- the new management system which supports and helps to enlarge the functions of TOPX. Especially, in April, TOPX club has been established and started its activities aiming at exchanging the experiences of the persons in chanrge as well as optimizing the utilities of the system so as to better serve the receipt/ delivery and vessel dispatch activities. The average of truck around time inside the terminal in April was 0.92 h/cont