Welcoming Sinotrans maiden call to Tan Cang - Cat Lai terminal
On March 19th, 2021, Tan Cang – Cat lai Terminal (TCCL) held a solemn ceremony to welcome Zhong Gu Bo Hai vessel, which belongs to Sinotrans’s CJV weekly service. This service is highly expected to meet the growing demand for import and export cargo of the China-Japan - Vietnam market..
On the afternoon of March 19th, 2021, Tan Cang – Cat lai Terminal (TCCL) held a solemn ceremony to welcome Zhong Gu Bo Hai vessel, which belongs to Sinotrans’s CJV weekly service. This service has been operated at TCCL with 02 carriers and has just restructured with the joining of 03 shipping lines: SITC - SINOTRANS - SHANGHAI JINNJANG.
The ceremony welcomed the participation of SNP’s Representatives: Captian Bui Van Quy - Vice Executive President of SNP; Lieutenant Commander Hoang Duc Thinh - Director of Port Operation Center; Ms. Pham Thi My Le - Deputy Director of Marketing.
Joining the Ceremony, representatives from shipping lines and shipping agents were: Mr. Trinh Vu Khoa - Member of the Board of Directors - General Director of VOSA corporation; Mr. Vu Chau Thanh - Director of Orient Maritime Services (Orimas) - VOSA Vietnam Branch - SINOTRANS Shipping Agent, with the presence of officers, employees, workers in the operation line of TCCL, and representatives of shipping lines, shipping agents.

Representatives from shipping lines and shipping agents
The global economic situation in general and the maritime industry, in particular, are still facing many difficulties and challenges due to the COVID-19's impact. The event of welcoming SINOTRANS maiden call in Ho Chi Minh City and called at TCCL has affirmed the trust and support of shipping lines/ customers to SNP and demonstrated strong cooperation between SNP and SINOTRANS, VOSA, ORIMAS.

Captain Bui Van Quy - Vice Executive President of SNP
Speaking at the ceremony, Captain Bui Van Quy - Vice Executive President of SNP, sincerely thanked Shipping Lines & Shipping Agents for their support and cooperation. Mr. Bui Van Quy also expressed his expectation in maintaining sustainable cooperation with the shipping lines and expected that SINOTRANS would continue to give enthusiastic support to other subsidiaries of SNP in the future – not only just those in the South but also the facilities in the Central and the North of Vietnam - where Terminals & Logistics centers are operated with ample capacity, affirming the top quality of SNP’s services.

SNP leaders gave flowers to congratulate and thank the representatives of shipping lines and shipping line agents
SNP & VOSA have conducted the ceremony to welcome Sinotrans by loading the first exported container to Zhong Gu Bo Hai through TCCL and giving flowers and expressing deep thanks & congratulations to SINOTRANS VOSA CORPORATION & ORIMAS.
The vessel namely Zhong Gu Bo Ha belongs to SINOTRANS’s CJV weekly service with the rotation: HCM-Taicang-Shanghai-Osaka-Kobe-Taicang-Shanghai-Xiamen. This is the first vessel ever of Sinotrans to call at TCCL. CJV weekly service is expected to meet the growing demand for import and export cargo of the China-Japan-Vietnam market.

*Some images at the ceremony:

The delegation raised glasses to congratulate the successful ceremony

The first container image of SINOTRANS at TC - CL port