Yangming shipping line delegation paid a visit to Saigon Newport Company (13/01/2009)
On Monday January 12, 2009 Yang Ming Shipping Line Delegation paid a visit to SaiGon Newport Company.
On Monday January 12, 2009 Yang Ming Shipping Line Delegation paid a visit to SaiGon Newport Company. On this time, Mr.Ivan – Senior Manager Asia Logistic Team, operations Department, head of the delegation expressed his special interest in the constructing schedule of CaiMep Port phase I. At the meeting, many questions and opinions of constructing schedule, equipment, and the transportation services between industtrial Parks, Export Processing Zones and CaiMep Port phase I were made by Mr.Ivan and Mr.Gerry Liu – chief Representative of Yang Ming (Vietnam). Deputy Genaral Director.Trần Quang Bình, on behalf SaiGon Newport answered and highly appreciated all questions, opinions of Yang Ming Shipping Line and showed sincere thankfulness for the support of Yang Ming Shippng Line in the passing years.