Saigon Newport Corporation welcomes the delegation of the Argentine Embassy to visit and work at Cat Lai terminal | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Saigon Newport Corporation welcomes the delegation of the Argentine Embassy to visit and work at Cat Lai terminal


Saigon Newport Corporation welcomes the delegation of the Argentine Embassy to visit and work at Cat Lai terminal

The Argentine Embassy delegation had a meeting to learn about port operation and freight forwarding process and explore the potential of business cooperation between SNP and Argentine businesses to promote trade between the two countries. visited and worked at Cat Lai terminal on November 16, 2022.

Visiting and working at Cat Lai terminal is part of a series of activities to celebrate the 49th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Argentina since last October. The Argentine delegation visited and worked with senior officials in Vietnam, such as Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai, who attended a trade promotion exhibition in Vietnam - FoodExpo,…
The Argentine delegation was attended by Mr. Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Argentina in Vietnam as the head of the delegation. In addition, there are governors, ministers of ministries, and state congressmen of the two provinces of Cordoba and Entre Rios. On behalf of SNP, Vice Executive President Bui Si Tuan chaired the reception, and representatives of the Political Department, Marketing Department, Operation Center, and SNPL.
Currently, Argentina is Vietnam's third largest trading partner in Latin America (after Brazil and Mexico), while Vietnam is Argentina's largest trading partner in Southeast Asia and sixth globally. . However, the value of trade exchange is still not commensurate with the economic potential of the two countries. Vietnam is suffering from a large trade deficit from Argentina. In the first 10 months of 2022, Vietnam's export turnover to Argentina reached $756.6 million, while imports reached $3.44 billion.
During the meeting, in addition to exchanging and sharing the port operation and logistics capacity of SNP in supporting Argentine businesses to export and do business in the Vietnamese market, the SNP also hoped that the Argentine government would create conditions for Vietnam to promote trade and promote the image of Vietnamese products in your market.

Towards the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Argentina in 2023, the Argentine ambassador hopes there will be an opportunity to officially cooperate with SNP to develop and promote the import and export of goods from both countries.