The it director of Saigon Newport Corporation received “CIO ASEAN AWARD” (08/10/2010) | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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The it director of Saigon Newport Corporation received “CIO ASEAN AWARD” (08/10/2010)


The 6th Asean CIO Summit & Awards 2010 was held in Sheraton hotel, Hanoi from 22nd to 24th September 2010. The 44 winners from the different industrial and business fields have been honored and awarded the CIO Prize (for the most excellent chief information officers) in the Indo-China’s region since 2005 as per the initiative of the International Data Group (the IDG Vietnam)

The 6th Asean CIO Summit & Awards 2010 was held in Sheraton hotel, Hanoi from 22nd to 24th September 2010. The 44 winners from the different industrial and business fields have been honored and awarded the CIO Prize (for the most excellent chief information officers) in the Indo-China’s region since 2005 as per the initiative of the International Data Group (the IDG Vietnam). This year, the candidates were not only selected from Indochina countries, but also from all of the Asean countries (CIO ASEAN Awards 2010). 60 candidates have been nominated and Vietnam ranked first with 36 nominated candidates. Cambodia ranked second with 11 ones. The following were Singapore (3 nominators), Thailand (2 nominators), Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines and Myanmar each has one nominator. The winners of CIO Award has been judged basing on 6 criteria which emphasized the role and affect of the leader in setting the strategy and managing the IT project successfully. The organization board of the CIO ASEAN Awards 2010 has selected 12 most typical CIO. Mr. Bui Hai Quan - SNP’s CIO was honoured to be one among these 12 excellent CIOs of the year.
Facing the fact that the application of the advanced technology to the terminal operation and management is a big challenge and an urgent need for the company, in the position of a CIO, Quan directly managed the deployment of the project namely “Modernization of the IT system in the terminal operation and management” which set the target at building a regional and world standard terminal. As an IT master who has got 10-year experience in the terminal field, Quan made the plan, managed the project and chose the most state-of-the-art technology. As the result, Tan Cang – Cat Lai Terminal has been the first terminal in Asia and third in the world (following two other ones in the USA & Europe) deploying the technology of Mesh. Tan Cang – Cat Lai Terminal is also the first and the only one in Vietnam to apply the automation of updating container’s position through the DGPS. The aforementioned breakthrough technology has made the management and operation system of Tan Cang- Cat Lai terminal to be at world class standard.
The long-term plan and strategy SNP’s IT Team aims at performing is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Logistics Network System, the Portal interchanging the data with Customs, shipping lines and Harbor Authority (the port net). Port Net is the intermediate portal to connect the customers’ data with the administrative bodies and authority. Port Net shall not only serve SNP’s application, but also provide the IT services to the customers.
Quan and his colleagues – the competent, enthusiastic and experienced IT engineers of SNP are making their best effort to complete the plan and strategy effectively and efficiently as well as to improve the management and operation of the corporation. This will make an important contribution to the provision of door-to-door service to the customers through the perfect connection of the Logistics software system and the supply of IT services as defined in SNP’s target. The CIO Asean Award 2010 is a motivation and encouragement for Quan and his colleagues to strive for further successes.