Agreement for the improvement of customer services by Customs branch Zone I and Saigon Newport Company | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Agreement for the improvement of customer services by Customs branch Zone I and Saigon Newport Company


Gaining credibility for every product or service to attract more potential customers for long-term cooperation has always been considered top priority by every enterprise. To meet such criterion, Saigon Newport Company has not only brought about efficient customer services focusing on the development of the most up-to-date equipment and application of Information Technology in terminal operations but also continually set forth in personnel training in term of customer service.

Gaining credibility for every product or service to attract more potential customers for long-term cooperation has always been considered top priority by every enterprise. To meet such criterion, Saigon Newport Company has not only brought about efficient customer services focusing on the development of the most up-to-date equipment and application of Information Technology in terminal operations but also continually set forth in personnel training in term of customer service.

On August 04, 2006, Saigon Newport Company and Customs Branch Zone I have signed in a Coordination Agreement to establish the Counter-Supervision Team and Cooperation Team to assist and at the same time, grab hold of customers and enterprises’ contributory suggestions on service quality and working manner of staff the two organizations; directly support, guide and clear up all queries and complaints with relation to the procedures and formalities of import-export business and essentially reduce paperwork to prevent pestering and troubles for customers and enterprises at all premises of SNP: Tan Cang Terminal, Cat Lai terminal, Song Than ICD and Nhon Trach Depot (Dong Nai Province).

The Agreement takes effect in 5 years. Meeting to evaluate work performance, highlight problems and make proposals is to be organized periodically on the basis of no less than once every three months.

In case of any suggestions and queries, customers are kindly requested to contact:
-The Center for Information and Customer Services at 08.7422712 or
-SNP hotline at 0907.400.400 or
-Customs Branch, Zone I hotline at 0908.949494, 0903.961.166, and 0918.906.886 or
-SNP official website at