Introducing vehicle management software through E-port conference | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Introducing vehicle management software through E-port conference


In the afternoon of June 25th, 2019, Introducing vehicle management software through E-port conference has been held at the Cat Lai terminal venue by Saigon Newport Corporation. Mr. Nguyen Nang Toan – Vice President of SNP, E-port launching team, leaders of subsidiaries, units of SNP and representatives of Forwarders and Transporters company. .

Ever since the application of E-port in 2016, compulsory online payment declaration for Lift-off and Laden activities in 2017 and Transportation of imported goods in 2018, E-port has continuously been updated and expanded in functionality. Since Sept, 2018, SNP expanded the function for registering transportation business, declaring vehicles, unit/vehicle number to receive container on E-port in order to save time, cut cost, strictly manage and reduce risk, as well as increase transparency in goods management for customers. From the beginning of Nov, 2018, SNP has been encouraging transport companies, businesses and carriers to register their vehicles. Since July 15th, 2019, it is expected that this service would become a mandatory. This is also the foundation to ensure safety and rationality of the service before applying Electronic Delivery Order (EDO) on all customers.

At the conference, representative of E-port team introduced the demonstration of declaration options for vehicle on E-port. In the responding section, many questions about altering information when changing pick-up vehicle, appending vehicles function, declaration when multiple agents are responsible for transportation was raised. Representatives of E-port team has replied to the issues presented at the conference and further research will be done so as to accomplish the service.

For any further information regarding registration procedure and instruction to enter vehicle information on E-port, etc., please follow the link below:

Direct guide on Youtube regarding vehicle declaration is also available through the below link:


Some images in the conference:

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