Minister of M.O.T paid a visit to SNP | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Minister of M.O.T paid a visit to SNP


On 18th December, 2007, Saigon Newport had the honor to give a warm welcome to Mr. Ho Nghia Dung – Member of Party Central Committee, Minister of Ministry of Transportation and the delegation of MOT paid a visit to SNP

On 18th December, 2007, Saigon Newport had the honor to give a warm welcome to Mr. Ho Nghia Dzung – Member of Party Central Committee, Minister of Ministry of Transportation and the delegation of MOT paid a visit to SNP Company.
Mr. Nguyen Dang Nghiem – Vice chairman of Board of Management, General Director and members of Party committee, BOM, BOD and head of Departments joined the meeting.
During the meeting, Mr. Nghiem reported to Minister about the operation model, organization, development projects and the performance results of military and defense duties, business activities of 2007 and the course of action of 2008 of SNP.
Subsequent to hearing the report and a fact-finding trip at the Terminal 2, Le Phung Hieu gate office of the Cat Lai port, the Minister highly appreciated the efforts, creations and proper long term investment strategies of SNP leaders which have prompted the Company to become a leading port operator of Vietnam with international stature. The Minister stressed that according to the major plan of Vietnam port development up to 2020, in the coming years, port operation activities will develop significantly and will be the main motive power for economic development of the country as well as international economic integration process. Being a leading professional port operator, SNP should be pioneer in approaching the international technology, strengthening alliance-
co-operation for the development and perfection of Vietnam port operation. The Ministry considers practical results of SNP as an experiences and realities for confirmation of orientation, building mechanism to develop Vietnam port operation in the coming time.
Regarding SNP’s suggests, especially in term of the investment for road infrastructure development, railways, river access channel dredging, establishment of pilot company … the Minister acknowledged and would assign the concerned authority bodies for consideration of the implementation in the spirit of giving convenience to port group No.5 in general and SNP’s ports in particular to develop with their full capabilities.
The visit of Minister of MOT to SNP Company showed the attention of Government and Ministry of Transportation, namely, Mr. Ho Nghia Dzung – Minister of MOT to the development of Vietnam port system, especially, to the ports under SNP’s management.