Newport Pilot’s first anniversary (29/10/2009) | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Newport Pilot’s first anniversary (29/10/2009)


On October 27, 2009 Newport Pilot Co. Ltd had joyfully organized its first anniversary. Under the direction of SNP’s Party Committee and Board of Directors as well as valuable cooperation from partners

On October 27, 2009 Newport Pilot Co. Ltd had joyfully organized its first anniversary. Under the direction of SNP’s Party Committee and Board of Directors as well as valuable cooperation from partners. Newport Pilot had enhanced the image of Saigon Newport in the process of external relations development and global economic integration. After one year of establishment, Newport Pilot had achieved VND 30 billion as revenue, VND 11 billion as profit after tax and VND 5.225 billion added to national budget as well as remarkably improved living standards of its employees.

So far, Newport Pilot has been able to guide all vessels navigating in/out Tan Cang – Cat Lai Terminal and Tan Cang – Cai Mep Container Terminal. The company had also maintained good cooperative relationship with Saigon Port Authority, Vung Tau Port Authority, PILOTCO 1, Vung Tau Pilot as well as tightened collaboration with SNP’s functional units being Habor Department, Operations Center, Tan Cang Salvage & Tugboat Services Enterprise and Tan Cang – Cai Mep Container Terminal to ensure safe navigation throughout the channel and boost vessel dispatch productivity.

The fact that Newport Pilot – ever first pilot military unit – obtained outstanding business performance has been more meaningful to greater contribution by Saigon Newport in fulfilling both military and business missions.