Pilot Tan Cang Co., Ltd celebrates Customer Conference | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Pilot Tan Cang Co., Ltd celebrates Customer Conference


On August 16th 2018, the Customer Conference of Tan Cang Pilot Co., Ltd was solemnly held at Tan Cang Tourist Resort. The conference was a great opportunity for Tan Cang Pilot to join customers to appreciate the achievements, overcame many difficulties together with efforts, sharing and cooperation, while it's also a chance for the company and customers to look forward to the opportunities and to conquer challenges.

On August 16th 2018, the Customer Conference  of  Tan Cang Pilot Co., Ltd was solemnly held at Tan Cang Tourist Resort. Attending the conference were Mr. Nguyen Hai Nam - Director of  Maritime Port Authority of  Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Nguyen Viet Trong - Director of  Dong Nai Maritime Department and Mr. Ho Duc Loc - Deputy Director Vung Tau Maritime Port. On behaft of  Saigon New Port  Corporation (SNP), Colonel Nguyen Van Hanh - Deputy General Director of  SNP  and Chairman of  Pilot Tan Cang.


In the jubilant and exciting atmosphere celebrating the 73th  anniversary of Vietnam Independence Day and especially the 10th anniversary of  the establishment of  Tan Cang Pilot Company (October 27th  2008 - October 27th  2018), Tan Cang Pilot Co., Ltd held a customer conference. The conference was a great opportunity for Tan Cang Pilot to join customers to appreciate the achievements, overcame many difficulties together with efforts, sharing and cooperation, while it's also a chance for the company and customers to look forward to the opportunities and to conquer challenges.


At the beginning of the establishment of the company, there was only one pilot who was qualified to lead the ship, meaning transport for the pilot and the station needed to be rented. Currently, Tan Cang Pilot has more than 50 pilots, most of them are excellent pilots equiped with modern equipments, facilities with 4 pilot transport ships and many transport vehicles. The average annual capacity of this stage is more than 7000 ships, including many ships with tonnage of over 100,000 tons, annual growth rate of over 20%, ensuring the provision of marine services on 08 routes that are charged with guilding military ships to fulfill military service. To achieve the above success, there is no small contribution of the organization, units and customers. At the conference with customers, representatives of shipping lines also directly exchanged with the management board of  Hoa Tien Tan Cang about ensuring maritime safety, maritime security, especially for the night ship and freight maritime services.


At the conference, Tan Cang Pilot Co., Ltd sent gratitude to the organization, authority and units for always paying attention and help the company during the past, especially to the shipping companies, the agencies - who have entrusted Tan Cang Pilot to delivery your ships in & out and to operate at the ports of Saigon New Port Corporation

Images at the conference :
