Saigon Newport attended logso 2011 (07/06/2011) | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Saigon Newport attended logso 2011 (07/06/2011)


From 03/06/2011 to 05/06/2011, Logso International Expo 2011 was solemnly held in White Palace Convention Centre, Ho Chi Minh City. This is the annual international conference and exhibition on the supply and logistics solutions organized by Vietnam Supply Chain Insight Magazine (VSCI) with the permission of VISABA and sponsor of the Ministry of Science & Technology and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

From 03/06/2011 to 05/06/2011, Logso International Expo 2011 was solemnly held in White Palace Convention Centre, Ho Chi Minh City. This is the annual international conference and exhibition on the supply and logistics solutions organized by Vietnam Supply Chain Insight Magazine (VSCI) with the permission of VISABA and sponsor of the Ministry of Science & Technology and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Bui Van Quyen – Department Head, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ms. Dang Thi Van An – Vice Director, Press Department, Mr. Tran Dung Khang – Chairman of Vietnam Ship Agents and Brokers Association (VISABA) and the representatives of exhibition organizers, experts, specialists, enterprise managers as well as delegates from the central and local press and media, and over 50 exhibitors with over 200 solutions on supply chain management, IT & logistics.

Dr. Bui Van Quyen – Department Head, Ministry of Science & Technology spoke at Logso 2011

The delegation of SNP at Logo 2011

After great successes in 2010, Logso 2011 further focused on the advantages of general logistics chain to strengthen internal power and turn costs into benefits for suppliers as well as customers. Attending the event for the second time, SNP aimed at spreading the brand name and its logistics services such as barging service, trucking service, receiving and delivery/receiving service. SNP has asserted its position as the leading and most effective supplier in terminal operations and total package logistics in Vietnam.