The Meeting between SNP’s representatives and YML’s Shipping Lines (Viet Nam) on the Year- End occasion | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

The Meeting between SNP’s representatives and YML’s Shipping Lines (Viet Nam) on the Year- End occasion


On 27th December 2007, Representatives of SNP Company had an informal meeting with Mr. Gerry Liu – Managing Director of Yang Ming Viet Nam. Mr. Liu highly appreciated achievements of SNP during last years and expressed his sincere thanks for SNP support and co-operation

On 27th December 2007, Representatives of SNP Company had an informal meeting with Mr. Gerry Liu – Managing Director of Yang Ming Viet Nam. Mr. Liu highly appreciated achievements of SNP during last years and expressed his sincere thanks for SNP support and co-operation. Mr Liu was informed about the achievement of SNP in 2007, its CY and berth expansion, the new handling equipment and terminal operation system which will come into operation in 2008. Mr Liu showed his belief that with the growth of Vietnam’s economy and SNP’s big investment and enhancement, in the year 2008 SNP Company will reach its target of more than 2 million TEUS.