Daibiru delegation paid a visit to Saigon Newport company (07/09/2007) | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Daibiru delegation paid a visit to Saigon Newport company (07/09/2007)


On August 30th 2007, Daibiru Delagation under the guidance of Mr.Tetsu Wada visited SNP Company as per recommendation of Mitsui O.S.K shipping lines.

On August 30th 2007, Daibiru Delagation under the guidance of Mr.Tetsu Wada visited SNP Company as per recommendation of Mitsui O.S.K shipping lines.
Deputy General Director Vu Kim Khanh and representatives of Departments warmly received the delagation at the Great Hall of Company.
Since the SNP’s Plan of Trade Center and Office Building has been approved by HCM people’ s Committee on March 2007, many foreign investors has come to get information and investment opportunity on the project such as Daibiru Corporation (Japan), HanJin, Yangming, Evergreen Shipping lines and Rubber Edge point corporation(USA)… Especially, Daibiru Corporation has paid two visits to SNP Company for further information of the project. Daibiru Corporation was established on October 15th 1923 and it is a very famous and prestigious Corporation in term of building offices for lease and hotels especially in Tokyo and Osaka Cities .