Customer conference in the central region of Saigon Newport corporation | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Customer conference in the central region of Saigon Newport corporation


On 19th April, 2019, Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) solemnly held the Customer Conference in 2019 for customers in the Central region in Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province..

On 19th April, 2019 Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) solemnly held the Customer Conference in 2019 for customers in Central region in Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province. Attending the conference, there were 150 representatives from local departrments and agencies in Binh Dinh province, shipping lines and businesses in the Central region. The Conference is an opportunity for Saigon New Port to express gratitude to customers, partners, and local agencies for supporting, cooperating and trusting in using the services of Tan Cang – Mien Trung as well as orther subsidiaries of Saigon Newport Corporation. Besides, this is the opportunity  for SNP and Tan Cang – Mien Trung to strengthern cooperation,  develop activities and update information of their services and Logistics services in the region.

Implementing the orientation of SNP of connecting the system in the North - Central - South, Tan Cang – Mien Trung Joint Stock Company was established on 16th March, 2010 with the main task of providing port services to customers in the Central region, Highlands, Southern Laos, Northeast Cambodia; providing logistics services to affirm the SNP’s brand in Central and Highlands, connecting logistics chain of SNP from North to South.

Tan Cang – Mien Trung is located in a military port in Zone 8, Hai Cang ward, Quy Nhon City, with 160m of berth, is capable of receiving vessel of up to 24,000 DWT. With the general characteristics of ports in Binh Dinh, Tan Cang – Mien Trung focus on exploiting bulk goods: animal feed, cassava / sand / wood chips for export, fertilizers / cement, granite, coal / clinke, ...

In 2018, the throughput through Tan Cang – Mien Trung reached 508,020 tons (exceeding 27% compared to 2018 plan), the profit is 120.8% compared to the 2018 plan of customers. The achivement was from the great contribution of customers and the effort of all staff and employees of Tan Cang – Mien Trung. The 2019 customer conference is a gratitude to customers for accompanying with from the founding days, and to maintain the close relationship with customers and attract new customers to increase market share of new products for Tan Cang – Mien Trung.

In addition, in the Customer Conference, Mr. Nguyen Nang Toan, Deputy General Director of SNP, Board of Directors of Tan Cang – Mien Trung announced the approval of the discount policy with close customers of SNP who use services of TCMT in order to create conditions for customers to enjoy the best quality of service at SNP’s system. The conference took place solemnly, warmly. Saigon Newport would like to express our deep gratitude to our valued customers for trusting and continuing to accompany with and Tan Cang – Mien Trung.


Some images of Tan Cang Mien Trung:
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