Free Port Zone Meeting Summation | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Free Port Zone Meeting Summation


On May 9, 2007 at SNP’ meeting Hall, an evaluation meeting for the Prime Minister’ Decision No 37/2006/37/2006/QĐ-TTg on the pilot operation of Cat Lai Free Port Zone (FPZ) after a year was held by Vietnam Maritime Administration in cooperation with Saigon Newport Company

On May 9, 2007 at SNP’ meeting Hall, an evaluation meeting for the Prime Minister’ Decision No 37/2006/QÑ on the pilot operation of Catlai Free Port Zone (FPZ) after a year was held by Vietnam Maritime Administration in cooperation with Saigon Newport Company.
At the meeting, Attendees were given report on the result of free port operation from Representative of Saigon Newport Company, answers to problems from General Department of Customs and statements from leaders of relevant Ministries. At the end of the meeting, Vietnam Maritime Administration received 21 proposals from attendees concerning difficulties and obstacles during operation.
After the meeting, all the above mentioned proposals were collected and synthesized by Vietnam Maritime Administration, by which they will draft a statement for the Ministry of Transportation’s submission of the detailed amendments and supplements to the Prime Minister in order to provide favorable condition for sustainable development of FPZ services more effective