Saigon Newport Corporation has been awarded Vietnam value for the 4th time. | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Saigon Newport Corporation has been awarded Vietnam value for the 4th time.


On 4th November, 2016, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 4382 / QD-BCT on the recognition of the brands meeting Vietnam value 2016. Accordingly, Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP), has been achieved this title for the fourth time.

Vietnam value is the only program hold by the Government of Vietnam to promote the country's image through national branding. Vietnam Value is given to the product has its own brand, meet the criteria stipulated by the program. Enterprises achieved national brand has been trying continuously to pursue the values ​​of this program which are Quality - Innovation, Creativity - Ability.


In 2016, the 5th Vietnam value was held and there were 88 enterprises achieving this award. SNP was continuously selected to be the representative of Transport and Travel field and SNP is the only transport brand name achieving this award 4 consecutive times. This is a worthy recognition for the efforts of SNP in recent years in providing port services, logistics and high quality transport services.

In the coming time, SNP will continue to expand investment in developing infrastructure systems across the country as well as improving the quality of human resources and technology applications to broaden and enhance the quality of services.