Saigon Newport Corporation is honored for the fifth time as a Standard enterprise for employees | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Saigon Newport Corporation is honored for the fifth time as a Standard enterprise for employees


Saigon Newport Corporation is honored for the fifth time as a Standard enterprise for employees

On the evening of October 29, 2023, at the Hanoi Opera House, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, entrusted Lao Dong (Labor) Newspaper as the primary organizational unit for the Standard Enterprise for Employees program in 2023. This program aimed to recognize and celebrate companies that have consistently made efforts to improve the working environment, enhance the material and spiritual well-being of their workforce, foster harmonious and stable labor relationships, and contribute to the sustainable development of their businesses.

Among the distinguished attendees at the program were prominent figures such as Mr. Le Minh Khai, Central Party Committee Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Nguyen Dinh Khang, Central Party Committee Member and Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; leaders from various central ministries, departments, provinces, cities, and 64 outstanding businesses from across the nation. Saigon Newport Corporation, together with the Naval Service, was one of the 64 enterprises recognized for their outstanding contributions.
Mr. Ngo Minh Thuan, President of Saigon Newport Corporation, receiving the title of "Standard Enterprise for Employees."

In the backdrop of the challenging global and Vietnamese economic landscape in 2023, marked by unanticipated difficulties and complex developments, including warfare and escalating inflation, these factors had a notable impact on global consumer demand, thereby affecting employment and corporate incomes. Nevertheless, driven by determination and accumulated experience, the leadership of SNP proactively and innovatively confronted these challenges. They diligently executed a cohesive set of solutions in alignment with their business philosophy: "Boosting investments, unleashing potentials, expanding market share, and running an efficient business." Additionally, they reinforced their network connections and optimized the utilization of port facilities and logistics services, elevated their business management capabilities, maximized the efficient use of financial resources, and embraced digital transformation in their production and business operations. These endeavors ensured job security, stable incomes, and a robust living standard for the 7,300 employees within the company and over 10,000 satellite workers from various regions engaged in service activities.
Nine outstanding businesses were awarded Certificates of Commendation by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs

Recognizing the value of the workforce as a valuable asset, SNP leadership at all levels consistently prioritized the well-being and prosperity of their employees. They maintained a high income for their workers and constantly improved the working environment, going beyond the previous year's standards. This included a range of policies relating to employees and their families, such as sightseeing tours, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and traditional celebrations. They also organized visits and provided support to employees facing illness or difficulties in their families. Furthermore, they arranged various activities for the children of the employees. These measures brought peace of mind to the workforce, strengthened their bond with the company, promoted trust in leadership, and encouraged their commitment, intellect, and commitment to building and advancing the Saigon Newport Corporation.
Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai and representatives from various businesses taking a group photo at the awards ceremony

The Saigon Newport Corporation actively engaged in effective community outreach through various charitable activities, including lifelong support for Heroic Vietnamese mothers and families of martyrs, poverty alleviation, social security security and support for the underprivileged. In 2023 alone, the corporation contributed nearly 30 billion VND to these benevolent causes.

This marks the fifth time Saigon Newport Corporation has been recognized in the "Standard Enterprise for Employees" ranking. This honor is of great importance and serves as a powerful motivator for the entire Saigon Newport Corporation. It also acts as a driving force for leadership and commanders at all levels within the corporation to continue their unwavering commitment to the well-being of their workforce, understanding that their employees represent their most valuable resource and the key to sustainable development.