Saigon Newport corporation loads the first shipment in the Lunar new year | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Saigon Newport corporation loads the first shipment in the Lunar new year


On the evening of February 4th,2019, at Cat Lai terminal, Saigon Newport Corporation held a ceremony to load the first shipment in the Lunar New Year – the year of the pig 2019.

Attending the ceremony, there were: Mr. Nguyen Van The -  Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Transport; Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong - Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of Ho Chi Minh city Party Committee, Chairman of HCM city People's Committee; Rear Admiral Luong Viet Hung, Deputy Commander of Vietnam People’s Navy; Mr. Khuat Viet Hung - Deputy Chairman of the National Road Safety Committee; Mr. Nguyen Xuan Sang - Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration and top management, employees of Saigon Newport Corporation.

ảnh kỉ niệm

In 2018, Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) successfully completed both defense and economic tasks. In business field, the Corporation completed the proposed plan 15 days in advance; the highest growth targets ever. Container throughput increased by nearly 10%, revenue increased by over 12%, profit increased by over 15%, labor productivity increased by 18%, average income of people increased by 8% compared to those of 2017. Besides, in this year SNP is ranked up one step from the 22nd to the 21th on the ranking of the largest container ports worldwide; Tan Cang Cat Lai terminal is the first port of Vietnam to receive the "Green Port" award of APEC port services network; The Corporation received the title of "Enterprise for Employees" for the third time and achieved the "Vietnam Value " for the fifth time.

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In 2019, SNP  determined to be a "preliminary year" to prepare for the period of accelerating development and upgrade the Corporation to become the leading defense economic group in Vietnam in the field of marine economy, focus on depth development with the motto: "Enhancing competitiveness, expanding investment, doing effective business, having sustainable development" with growth target of over 6%. In particular, Tan Cang Cat Lai terminal is expected to "reach the target" (set a new record) with 5 million TEU of container throughput in 2019; terminals of Tan Cang Cai Mep will reach over 2.2 million TEUs throughput in 2019.

Speaking at the Ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of city Party Committee, Chairman of HCM City People's Committee said: “In 2018, SNP  is a typical example of business with sustainable growth; Budget revenues via terminals of SNP continue to account for 20% of the total budget revenue of the City.”. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong expressed his hope for the Corporation to keep doing business effectively and safely; leading in applying information technology in management, procedures and online payment, facilitating the import and export activities in the City; continue to affirm the port brand  of Ho Chi Minh city in domestic and international markets.

On behalf of leaders of the Ministry of Transport, Mr. Nguyen Van The, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Transport praised the spirit of solidarity, determination, innovation, dynamism and creativity, strictly discipline and thoroughness and commitment to keep "faith" in business of  SNP. All these haave been  expressed by pioneering in technology application, saving time and cost, facilitating customers to deliver goods at ports, contributing to solving the problems  of traffic congestion outside the port when infrastructure has not kept up, thereby affirming the solid prestige of Vietnam's No.1 container port operator.

chụp ảnh kỉ niệm

The Minister of Transport expects in 2019 and the following years, Saigon Newport Corporation will continue to focus on investing in the right direction, expanding seaport infrastructure and warehousing in key areas, associating with depth development, effectively exploiting the national seaport resources; constantly improving productivity and quality for shipping lines and customers, affirming Vietnam's container port brand in the international market. 

At the ceremony, leaders of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam People’s Navy, National Road Safety Committee, Vietnam Maritime Administration and SNP  gave Tet gifts to representatives of departments who were working on New Year's Eve and pressed the button to load the first container in the year of the pig 2019.
