Saigon Newport Corporation received the award "Standard Enterprise for Employees" the fourth time | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Saigon Newport Corporation received the award "Standard Enterprise for Employees" the fourth time


Saigon Newport Corporation received the award

In November 16, at the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Labor Culture Palace, Hanoi, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor coordinated with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) held a ceremony "Standard Enterprise for Employees 2022" to honor and praise enterprises that have been and are constantly making efforts to take care of the material and spiritual life of employees. Along with that, there are positive contributions to improve the working environment for employees, to achieve the goal of enterprises and employees for sustainable development in the integration process.

The program was attended by comrades: Dao Ngoc Dung, Member of the Central Committee, Minister of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs; Nguyen Dinh Khang, Member of the Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Head of the Program Committee; Hoang Quang Phong, Vice President of Vietnam Federation of Trade and Industry; Le Van Thanh, Deputy Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; representatives of leaders of Central Committees, Ministries and departments, leaders of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; representatives of a large number of business associations, entrepreneurs, press agencies and representatives of 62 enterprises honored in the ranking of "Standard Enterprises for Employees" in 2022.

Delegates and businesses attended the ceremony

To evaluate and honor enterprises that have made continuous efforts to improve the working environment, take care of the material and spiritual life of employees, with the approval of the Prime Minister. Since 2016, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor directs and coordinates with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to organize the ceremony "Standard Enterprise for Employees". Accordingly, to achieve the award, an enterprise must have 3 consecutive years of being voted in the "Standard Enterprise for Employees" ranking as the basis for selecting the next award.

The 9 best enterprises were awarded certificates of merit by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

The ranking "Standard enterprises for employees" is evaluated based on strict criteria developed by experts on labor and unions. The set of criteria ensures a close reflection of the actual situation of using and treating employees of the enterprise in terms of income, training, working environment, social benefits and training activities, physically as well as mentally. In particular, the criteria gives special priority to businesses with higher welfare regimes for employees and better implementation of the law. The ranked enterprises are also consulted at all levels of trade unions in the industry, localities and the Departments of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs nationwide.

In 2022, 62 typical enterprises were honored. This is the fourth time Saigon Newport Corporation has won the title of "Standard Enterprise for Employees" and is also one of the 9 best enterprises awarded by The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs presented the Certificate of Merit.
 Senior Captain Ngo Minh Thuan, President of Saigon Newport Corporation, received the award "Standard Enterprise for Employees 2022"

The fact that Saigon Newport Corporation has been honored 4 times to receive the award "Standard Enterprise for Employees" is a great encouragement to officers, employees and employees of Saigon Newport Corporation at the same time, is the driving force for leaders and commanders at all levels in Saigon Newport Corporation to continue to care for workers better with the spirit of considering them a valuable resource. It is both a goal and a driving force for the Corporation's sustainable development, as defined by the "Code of Culture of Saigon Newport Corporation".

Saigon Newport Corporation is a pioneering state-owned enterprise in investment in modern equipment, extensive application of information technology, digital transformation, online services in management and administration; promote the construction of "green port", "smart service", dynamic; interested in recruiting, training, retaining and developing high-quality human resources, meeting the Corporation's sustainable development strategy.

With the tradition of the Hero of Socialist Labor Unit, generations of leaders of SNP over the years and the trade union have identified employees as the center and valuable resources of the enterprise. In recent years, the Party Committee and Management Board of Saigon Newport Corporation have always paid attention to ensuring jobs and stable incomes at a fairly high level for more than 7,000 employees in the system and more than 10,000 employees across the country. Ensure timely policies and regimes for employees; holidays, Tet, traditional days of the Army, Navy and Corporations; the standard of sightseeing, tourism, convalescence; welfare insurance for employees, with the total amount spent on those activities of more than 100 billion VND per year. In addition, the Corporation also receives lifelong support for nearly 400 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, relatives of martyrs; giving hundreds of thousands of gifts to policy beneficiaries, people with meritorious services, ethnic minorities and studious children in difficult circumstances throughout the country. Especially in 2021, the Corporation actively participated and supported the national and local COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, with more than 140 billion VND...