Tan Cang - STC to grant Scholarship for Master International Shipping and Logistics | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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Tan Cang - STC to grant Scholarship for Master International Shipping and Logistics


Recently, TANCANG-STC (TC-STC) has cooperated with the International Education Centre (IEC) of The HCMC University of Transportation to organize the joint program “Master of International Shipping and Logistics” (MISL) developed by Solent University (United Kingdom).

With the mission of “Providing world class education, training, consultancy and human resource management services through the entire Vietnamese Supply Chain”, TC-STC offers specialized training solutions to meet the requirements of the logistics industry. After several research and surveys, TC-STC and its partners decide to run the master program developed by Solent University- one of the top 900 universities with the best learning environment in the world, according to Times Higher Education. Furthermore, the MISL is approved by the Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training in accordance with the regulations for joint training programs.

MISL has a selective and practical curriculum to be conducted by numerous experts and lecturers from TC-STC, University of Transport-HCMC and other international leading experts. As fully executed in English and supported by a team of qualified teaching assistants, MISL creates opportunities for participants to apply and use specialized English throughout the learning process. This is an essential way to improve participants’ skills in a professional and world-class environment.

In order that participants can have direct interaction with lecturers, the course is designed to be a combination of in-class training sessions. Lecturers are leading experts from the University of Transport and Tan Cang-STC with qualified language skills and expertise to ensure the quality of the program.

Upon a short period of 1 year studying with 8 modules (180 credits), participants will be granted a prestigious Master's Degree in International Shipping and Logistics by Solent University (UK), recognized by Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training.

The course is scheduled to begin on October 31, 2020. According to the lecturers of the University of Transport and experts from STC - Group, the associate master course is completely different from other master program abroad, because it helps to shorten participant’s study time to suit their working time, to interact with leading experts and learn about the practical work experience. Moreover, participants can join in extracurricular seminars organized by Tan Cang - STC, under the sharing of experienced experts from Saigon Newport Corporation and other units.

With the purpose to contribute to the development of human resources in the transport sector in Vietnam, TC-STC would like grant a scholarship of VND 20,000,000 for each participant and an additional incentive of VND 10,000,000 for early registration by August 31, 2020.

In short, MISL will bring about opportunities to shorten study time and gain experience with leading experts. Moreover, participants will enhance their professional qualifications, skills and experience for their further development in the dynamic industry.

Should you have any questions, please kindly let us know. For more details, please contact: Ms. Xuan via 0903 725 338 or email: training@tancang-stc.vn.