Friendship party 2015 | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

Friendship party 2015


On 4th December 2015, Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) held 2015 Friendship Party with over 200 shipping lines and shipping agents. Among the attendance were Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem – President of SNP, SNP’s management, representatives from SNP’s departments and subsidiaries.

On behalf of SNP, Read Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem – President of SNP – welcomed and thanked all guests for coming to the party. He briefly informed the guests bout SNP’s achievements in 2015 and new projects. He insisted that SNP can only succeed with the accompany of shipping lines, customers. He also thanked the shipping lines for their trust and support in SNP’s services. He insisted that the relationship between SNP and shipping lines is not only business cooperation, but also family-like relationship as SNP has formed joint ventures with partners.

Opening speech by Rear Admiral Nguyen Dang Nghiem - President of SNP

More specifically, SNP will cooperate with one big partner from each country to form logistics joint ventures, such as Tan Cang – STC Depot. With that strategy, SNP will soon form joint ventures with Sam sung, Texhong…

SNP’s President Nguyen Dang Nghiem also informed guests that SNP continues to be number one in Top 20 Logistics Providers in Vietnam in 2015, with large contribution in logistics services, highly appreciated by other logistics companies.

He also expressed his opinions about SNP’s innovating style. Even though the economic and container transport are unstable, he believed that if we stay positive, we will win. “Let your smile change the world, don’t let the world change your smile”, he said.

At the party, guests highly appreciated SNP’s efforts in ensuring quality services and in developing its network to bring customers the best benefits and policies.

The party took place in friendly ambience, with handshakes to show the long-term cooperation between SNP and shipping lines, shipping agents.

2015 Friendship Party