SNP is granted the certification of the brand name proprietary for "Tân Cảng" | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

SNP is granted the certification of the brand name proprietary for "Tân Cảng"


On 22nd July 2012, Saigon Newport Corporation was granted the certification of the brand name proprietary for “Tân Cảng” (Newport). The Certificate No 190836 has been issued pursuant to the Decision No. 49520/QĐ-SHTT dated 05th Sep 2012 & validates until the year of 2022.

The types of services and products under this certificate include: Terminal operation, Logistics services, transportation services, construction material production, shipping equipment and accessories, Petroleum agent; petrochemicals trading, commercial broker …….

Intellectual property plays a crucial role in the operation and development of the enterprise. In the present integration context, intellectual property is an indispensable issue for the Vietnamese service provider and producers. Therefore, the proprietary of the brand name “Tân Cảng” was a milestone for the development of SNP.

Over 23 years of growth, SNP has defined that the building of a prestigious brand name plays an important role in the stable and long-term development of the company. This is an important factor contributing to creating the SNP image and the most important is to develop a good reputation for SNP’s services. During the process of building the brand name, SNP has identified the core services to make the investment and focuses are the port operations and logistics services. These businesses are significant for the national economy.  The development of Ports and ICDs in the key economic areas in the South, North and Central is the top priority in the development strategy of SNP.

By implementing the long-term strategy and right investment, SNP has been more & more developed, built up the prestigious reputation in the market and attract more domestic and global customers. The title of “Labor Hero of the Renovation Period”, “Top ten of Vietnamese Excellent trade name 2007” "Vietnam value 2010” are vivid demonstration of SNP’s achievements and the trust of customers to the brand name “Tan Cang  Saigon -  Saigon New Port".