The 6th on site – customers’ day at Tan Cang - Cat Lai container terminal. | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

The 6th on site – customers’ day at Tan Cang - Cat Lai container terminal.


In order to continuously improve the quality of services to maintain the trust of customers for the Corporation, on December 18th 2019, Saigon Newport Corporation ( SNP) held Day for the customers directly working at the terminal of SNP (On site – customers’ Day) the sixth time at Tan Cang - Cat Lai Terminal.

This is an annual activity of  SNP  to express its gratitude to customers who come directly to the Port for forwarding procedures. At the same time, it is also an opportunity for the Port to acknowledge customer comments and suggestions to continuously improve the quality of services, to facilitate customers in all services. Prior to the event, customers participated in the assessment of service quality surveys via QR code scanning. More than 500 customers filled out survey responses and participated in the program.

Participating in the event, customers can  learn more about the activities of the port and give their opinions on service quality as well as participate in entertainment activities such as:  playing games, quiz games and had opportunities to receive the prizes.

The followings are some photos at the event:

Especially in the direct Q & R session with customers, the SNP’s  representatives noted and answered questions related to the inspection and quality control, warehousing service area, refrigerated and packed goods at the port, problems. In the process of electronic customs automation ... Customers have also enthusiastically contributed solutions to help the port improve and improve service quality.

The event took place successfully and affirmed the determination of Saigon Newport in improving service quality to benefit customers when handling goods at the port.