The visit of the governmental delegation led by deputy prime minister Hoang Trung Hai to Saigon Newport company | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

The visit of the governmental delegation led by deputy prime minister Hoang Trung Hai to Saigon Newport company


The governmental delegation headed by D.P.M Hoang Trung Hai paid a visit to Saigon Newport company on October 15 2008. The delegation was joined by the leaders of MOT, Vinamarine, Governmental office and Ho Chi Minh city Peoples’ Committee

The governmental delegation headed by D.P.M Hoang Trung Hai paid a visit to Saigon Newport company on October 15 2008. The delegation was joined by the leaders of MOT, Vinamarine, Governmental office and Ho Chi Minh city Peoples’ Committee. Navy Vice Admiral Tran Thanh Huyen – Navy Political commissar, Board of Directors and head of Departments of SNP Company welcomed the delegation.

Subsequent to visiting Cat Lai port, D.P.M Hoang Trung Hai and the delegation had a meeting with SNP Board of Directors at the head office. Mr. Nguyen Dang Nghiem – General Director had a report on the establishment and development of the Company as well as port and ICDs development projects; solutions to enhance the human resource quality; the investment in the state of art handling equipment and modern port operation management software system. In the meeting, General Director raised also orientations for seaport operation industry in general and SNP Company in particular in order to maintain unshakeable development speed aiming at keeping pace with the terminal operators in the region and in the world. Mr. Nghiem expressed his desire and proposed Government, relating authorities and HCM City people’s committee to give convenience and direction for expanding Cat Lai port, hastening process of infrastructure projects connecting port with the interprovince road 25B, construction project of highway 51B and Vung Tau-Bien Hoa railway with its feeder-roads connecting to Cai Mep port and Long Binh ICD of SNP as well as guidance on dredging channel of Thi Vai river connecting to Thi Vai-Cai Mep port group.

In the speech, leaders of Transportation Ministry and HCM City affirmed important contributions of SNP Company to the transportation of goods from Vietnam to the countries all over the world, having a great part in the integration and development process of the national economy and strengthening defense security potentiality and developing Economy-Culture-Society. The leadres affirmed also its determination in support and giving best convenience to SNP Company for the stable development, deepening and expanding its scope in the port operation and management.

Vice admiral Tran Thanh Huyen expressed his appreciation on behalf of Navy Heaquarters for profound interest and attention of Government and authorities to Navy and SNP Company.

D.P.M Hoang Trung Hai praised SNP officers and staff for solidarity, creativeness and strong will. Especially, SNP Company made good use of military strength “determination strict discipline-flexibility and good public relations”. D.P.M considered that proposals of SNP not only ensure for development of the Company but also for development, prestige and integration ability of Vietnam into the international economy. Therefore, Government would give direct directions in details to Ministries and HCM City people’s Committee in a spirit of “quickness, drastic measures, definitiveness”. Government would consider putting some contents from SNP’s proposals into the governmental al focussed projects.

The visit of D.P.M and his delegation showed the excessive interest of Government and Party in the seaport operation industry in general and SNP Company in particular.