SNPL was chosen as the customs agent to deploy the pilot single window E-customs | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
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SNPL was chosen as the customs agent to deploy the pilot single window E-customs


Currently SNP Logistics was chosen by the Customs Department to be the customs agent, to implement the pilot single window e-customs service. SNP Logistics has deployed this service since 2 April 2013.

What is the single window E- customs via the customs agent?
  • E-customs is process that combines electronic customs procedures with regulations for the operation of the Customs Agent stipulated by the Government and the Ministry of Finance to speed up the process of the cargo clearance for the import/export cargo at the branches of Saigon ports borders gate customs zone I.
  • Currently SNP Logistics was chosen by the customs Department to be the Customs agent to implement the pilot single window e-customs service. SNP Logistics has deployed this service since 2 April 2013.
  • The single window E- Customs service Via Customs agent is the service that importers do not directly contact with Customs authorities to process the imported goods as usual from registering the e-customs procedures to doing the customs clearance.
  • Customs Agent would be on behalf of the importers to perform the Customs procedures which has been authorized by the importers.

Scope and subjects of the application:
  1. Import/ export cargo which are raw materials for manufacturing with the final destination indicated in the bill of lading is Cat Lai port or ports in Ho Chi Minh City & would be cleared by the Saigon ports borders gate customs department zone I.
  2. The enterprises who strictly abide the customs Laws under the governing regulations. These enterprises authorize the customs agents to perform e-customs procedures in writing.
  3. The customs agents who have been licensed by HCMC Customs Department in writing to affirm the capability and have to meet the two following conditions:
    1. Having commitment in writing (within a time limit) with HCMC Customs Department on the compliance with governing regulations on the customs works and E- customs regulations via the customs agents
    2. Having writing Contract with importers/ exporters, being authorized to implement the provisions specified in Article 8 of Decree No. 14/2011/ND-CP of the Government dated February 16, 2011.

Responsibilities of Customs Agent:
  1. To execute customs procedures as specified in the contract (including the professional registration checks on quality, food safety, quarantine, inspection)
  2. To be on behalf of the importers/exporters to pay taxes, fees and other charges under the provisions of law relating to export and import (this condition is not required but depending on the agreement between the two sides)
  3. To be legally responsible for the improper doing of the  authorized works and/or inexactness between the information and records, related documents provided by the importers/exporters & those declared by the agent to the customs

Benefits of importers/ exporters using single window E-Customs Via Customs agent:
  • The arisen fee can be decreased from 20 to 30%.
  • This arisen cost would not have to put in the accounting records
  • SNPL would pay tax in advance for importers/exporters (pre-payment provisions depends on the contract between SNPL and the enterprise)
  • The under-table fee will be minimized when the importers/ exporters do not directly contact with the customs officers.
  • The importers/ exporters will be supported in linking system of Customs –Enterprises- Customs agent as well as get passwords to get access to the updated documents and regulations of customs.

The procedure:

Since April 2nd 2013:   SNP Logistics has deployed the service to the importers/exporters having the cargo cleared at Customs Department Zone I & will be acted as the Customs Agent for the enterprise. SNPL will be on behalf of the importer to do Customs procedures according to the authorization of the enterprise for SNPL

Since the 3rd Quarter/2013: SNPL will deploy the service for those having cargo cleared at the Investment Customs.

SNP Logistics contact details:
Address: 1295B Nguyen Thi Dinh st, District 2, HCM city
Work phone: 08 3 7422 234 – Ext: 260 hoặc 426