The opening ceremony of the seaman’s Club at Tan Cang - Cat Lai terminal (23/7/2010) | Saigon Newport Corp.(SNP)
Operation News

The opening ceremony of the seaman’s Club at Tan Cang - Cat Lai terminal (23/7/2010)


In the evening of 22nd July 2010, the opening ceremony of the Seaman’s Club at Cat Lai terminal was held by Saigon Newport Coprporation with the attendance of representatives from the shipping lines, captains and crew members of the King Bruce (OOCL), Yantra Bhum and Bani Bhum (RCL), Wanhai 211 (Wanhai), Van Xuan (Vinalines) as well as the reprerentatives from relating departments, enterprises and subsidiaries of SNP.

With the target to enhance the service quality endlessly and improve the care for thge crew members during their port- stay at Tan Cang- Cat Lai Terminal, in the evening of 22nd July 2010, the opening ceremony of the Seaman’s Club at Cat Lai terminal was held by Saigon Newport Coprporation with the attendance of representatives from the shipping lines, captains and crew members of the King Bruce (OOCL), Yantra Bhum and Bani Bhum (RCL), Wanhai 211 (Wanhai), Van Xuan (Vinalines) as well as the reprerentatives from relating departments, enterprises and subsidiaries of SNP. Deputy General Director Ngo Minh Thuan presidied the ceremony.

In the speech delivered at the ceremony, the captain of Wanhai 211 highly appreciated the attention of SNP’s top management in establishing the club to facilitate the recreation and communication connection for the crew members during their port-stay. Especially, a free coupon having value of VND 30,000/ coupon for each crew member of the vessel/a voyage to use at the Club and buses to pick up the crew members to the city centre for the shopping and the return twice aday shall help them save time and cost. He also hoped that the club would verify its services to meet the expectation of the vessel officers and crew members. The ceremony Party was in the co-operative, opening and merry atmoshere.